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You're @ New People Interracial e-Magazine! |
About Us |

"We felt it was about time that people interested in a multiracial world have a publication all their own that can address the important issues."
Yvette Walker, publisher
Yvette Walker is the editor and publisher of New People Interracial e-Magazine. Yvette published New People as a magazine from 1990-1995 with subscribers in the U.S., Canada and overseas. When postage and printing costs became too expensive to continue, she began to plan a virtual magazine online. This is the fruit of that idea.
New People sponsored two conferences during its run: one in East Lansing, Mich., and one in Dallas, Texas. New People seeks writers for this e-magazine, and would consider sponsoring another gathering of interracial couples, families and people.
About Us: The editors and contributors

Francis Wardle, Ph.D, is a regular columnist for New
People e-magazine. He has been writing and giving presentations about interracial families and multiracial
children for more than 15 years. He originally wrote the column, Tomorrow's Children, for New People magazine. Wardle became interested in this topic when the first of his four biracial children asked questions about her racial identity. Since then he has given keynote speeches, seminars and workshops at conferences throughout the U.S. and Canada. He is an adjunct professor for the University Center for the Study of Biracial Children.
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Elliott Lewis is a biracial television journalist whose olive skin and brown afro have occasionally confused
television viewers as to his ethnic background, in one case prompting a viewer to adjust the color of his television set in an effort to determine Elliott's racial identity. He's been mistaken for everything from Hispanic to Egyptian, and was once referred to as "that white boy" at a family gathering.

Trula Breckenridge is interracially married, and a mother to a biracial child. She also has a Web site, MixedMama.com, and other web sites on racial and paenting issues. She will answer your questions on interracial issues, marriage, parenting, hair care and almost everything related to a healthy interracial, multicultural relationship.